Thursday, 2 January 2020

Queen of Coins - January

Happy New Year! I hope you’ve all had a lovely festive season and are ready to head into 2020 refreshed and full of optimism.

The tarot is kicking us off with the Queen of Coins. I’ve been wanting to connect more with my Chakra Wisdom Tarot deck so will be using these going forward. They have all the tarot symbolism, but each card is also connected to one of the chakras which excites my Colour Therapist side. 

This Queen is telling us to believe in our abundance, aim to only focus on that and not the negative. Now is a good time to look at finances, yep I know that can be scary, but bite the bullet. Turn it round to a positive, see where you can make changers, create a budget, set up a savings account even if you only put £10 in it a month. It’s all a positive start. 

She also wants us to look at all we already have and be grateful, begin keeping a gratitude diary. Write five to ten things down you are grateful for every night before you turn the light out to sleep. This will help send the blessings out as you drift off. If you do have worries write them on a separate sheet of paper first and keep it to one side. When the next new moon comes around burn this to release it.

This Queen is bathed in indigo which corresponds to the brow chakra. She wants us to recognise our manifesting power and intuition. Begin to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, respect them.