She rises from the sea holding her sword, ready to cut through
to the truth, the clouds covering the sky begin to clear as clarity unfolds.
This month is about stepping forward, out of your past and
realising you have the strength and knowledge to become who you want to be. Don’t
let the tides pull you back, move forward on to dry land and create your life.
She is also advising us to pay attention to any ideas that
come to us this month. Seeds of Imbolc are beginning to grow, and light is
returning, time to let your ideas bloom. Nurture them and spend time tending them.
Don’t let old limiting beliefs hold you back.
The card is linked to the base chakra, red is linked to
grounding and your roots. Let go of old family beliefs, speak with your
ancestors to discover what karmic patterns are running through your life and
ask how you can cut the ties. It’s time for you to move forward.