Thursday, 30 April 2020

Five of Swords - May

Hope you’re all okay and this finds you well during these difficult times.

This card can mean conflict, that doesn’t have to be violence. It can be conflict within yourself or, as these times are proving for many, that the old systems weren’t working and that it’s time to cut cords and make changes.

A man holds two swords close to his chest; three others are close by.  Two women are behind him; they appear to be walking away. 

Which person do you connect with? The woman in the distance who has already decided enough is enough, the woman in the middle who appears to be glancing back. Is she in two minds about whether to stay or leave? Or the man who appears equipped and ready to fight if needed?
The one you relate to will give you a clue as to what stage of your journey you are on. Let your intuition guide you along the right path.

The fives are connected to the throat chakra, blue: this links with speaking your truth and self-expression. Be honest with yourself and others, have patience during this time. Get creative with your words. Begin writing, either journal, poetry or get on with writing that story you’ve been mulling over for some time.

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

The Chariot - April

It’s an understatement to say a lot is going on in the world right now. Firstly, I hope you who is reading, and your loved ones are safe and well. 

Last month’s card was the Fool and it certainly turned out to be a new start for us all! It feels like a new chapter in the way we live has begun.

This month is the Chariot, another major arcana card.

The lady in the card is deep in meditation, she looks unaware of the chariot and three horses approaching behind her. But deep down she knows. She is at the crossroads and is letting go of more old routes.  

Both the Fool and Chariot are red, connecting with the base chakra. This time is asking us to look at out ingrained habits and what makes us feel truly secure. What will we go back to once this time is over? What have we realised we can do without? What roots are truly important?

It currently feels like we’re not in control, and there are always big changes this feeling will apply to. At the minute all we can do is trust where the journey takes us.