We have a green card for April so time to focus on the heart chakra.
A man stands cradling the four coins, he has a focused,
serious gaze but his hands look relaxed. His guard is up but a part of him
wants to open his heart. Behind him rays of light shine through a path of
trees, and before him we have some gold creatures flying. Are they fairies or
butterflies, or both?
This man needs to put the coins down for a while and relax.
The coins aren’t heavy but he’s not able to move forward easily whilst he
cradles them the way he is. The problem is if he puts them down he fears he
might lose them. Wonder how long he’s been holding them? Does he even remember
why he has them?!
If he puts them down he can dance and play with the
fairies. He can turn around and see the new path and opportunity beckoning
behind him. He just needs to relax and look, it’s already there. Is he missing
out on new growth due to the fear or going down a new path?
What do you need to let go of this month that no longer
serves you? In what area of your life are you being this man?