Saturday, 2 October 2021

Ace of Coins - October

A woman stands surrounded by roses. I feel that she is stood at the edge of a cliff looking out at the world below. Clouds obscure her view but the sun is breaking through, bringing with it a new day. A gold coin is above her. She reaches up to it, her arms open welcoming it. Magical orbs around her.
The Fool from last month has broken free and she has moved on. She's now able to see all that's around and can move to where she wants to be.
A secure new start is on the horizon. 
If you've always wanted to try a different career, open a business, or begin a new hobby, now is the time.

She's surrounded by growth, the sun is coming up to light the way, magic is guiding her. 
Hold up your arms, copy her stance, and feel the confidence and power. Speak to the universe and your guides. Tell them what you want and where you want to be. Give thanks. Trust and allow them to guide you.