Monday, 1 November 2021

The Star - November

A woman stands by the ocean, she appears to be stepping out of the water on to the rocky shore, the hem of her green dress still trailing in the water. She holds a bowl containing a star, it looks like water overflowing from it, but on closer inspection is sparkles so could be a river of stars. The ocean behind her is calm, as is the night sky. A group of stars form the shape of a heart behind her.
I love this card! Hope and inspiration. I need this myself right now, I know that much.

If you find yourself in a rut or at a cross roads pay attention to your inner guide. Think of the three wise men following the Star in the nativity. They trust that this lone, beautiful light is guiding them in the right direction. Do the same, trust those intuitive message's, you will know the right ones as they will feel light and inspiring. If there is doubt or a heavy feeling it's probably the wrong way.

The woman in the card is looking back. Don't get trapped here. Take time this month to focus on self-healing, especially the heart chakra. Meditate and see yourself surrounded by green light, carry a green crystal and eat leafy green veg. Be gentle with yourself.