We see the Princess of Autumn surrounded by books (my dream!) There are two books open as she
absorbs the knowledge and stories around her, she is also reaching out to a coin, possible so she can
add it to the pile on the table.
She doesn’t look all that cheerful, it’s as though she was in a good chapter and then interrupted. Or, she’s being distracted by the shiny coin that’s to the side of her, so is allowing other things to pull her off course.
Is this you? Do you get going with a creative venture, begin research, work on a goal, and then get
distracted by something else that might not be as important or worthy of your time. I’ll say the
word…procrastination! I know I’m guilty of this, let’s be honest most of us are.
Be honest with yourself. Can you be spending your time more wisely? Sometimes having a chilled
weekend watching Netflix is what’s needed, but do you really want to spend the rest of your life doing that every weekend? The answer is probably no.
So this month, meditate on what is truly important to you. It could be anything, seeing family and
friends more, painting, taking up yoga or a musical instrument, beginning a new class. What makes
your soul sing? Once you know, do more of it! Schedule it in and ensure you stick to it!
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