Monday, 2 March 2020

The Fool - March

In a lot of decks, the Fool is depicted as a young person about to step off a cliff, they usually have a dog with them and a ‘in their own world’ vibe about them. Not this card.

The Chakra Wisdom Tarot shows a young woman emerging from deep, strong roots, there are trees growing behind her, the branches reaching up appear to grow from her. There is also a white light emanating from her heart chakra. She doesn’t appear foolish, more confident and determined.

She represents a new start; the strong roots of her past keep her grounded as she begins her journey into the unknown. But she also needs to break away from these roots and trust that she can move on safely. We have a choice now. Do we stay where we are, or do we embrace this new chapter and move forward with confidence?

Take a risk, step out of your comfort zone. Say yes to that new opportunity and see where it leads.

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