Fear: leaving a job after 22 years. Has she done the right thing? What now? What if she can't find another job? Are her dreams of college, and becoming a full time Colour therapist, art therapist and artist to big?
Sadness: She is leaving behind great friends, 22 years is a long time, half her life! It is all she knows. It is a long term relationship ending. They've been good for each other but now it is time to move their separate ways.
Hope: She is one of the lucky ones given the opportunity of a new start, the world is her oyster and she can train in anything she wants.
Excitement: For the new start. She can become who she is meant to be, embrace her passions and enjoy the adventure! Which road does she take? Like The Fool tarot card she can head on any path and trust that the universe will have her back.
Happiness: She is proud that she has taken this step. As for the friends, she can keep in touch, and she will! She has her memories to cherish and everything to look forward to.
She is going to focus on the positives, sure she'll probably shed a tear when logging off for the final time, heck she has already shed a few reading the 'good luck' , 'we're going to miss you' , 'the company has lost a great person' messages.
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