Saturday, 5 December 2020

Princess of Wands - December


She wonders through the forest with confidence, she knows where she is going and trusts the journey. Surrounded by butterflies and a stag, she is one with nature.

This month is one of growing confidence. It has been a strange year for all of us, lots of changes have been made and for many of us it has been a chance to find ourselves again and realise what is important.

The butterflies represent transformation, how do you want to evolve? We can come out of this stronger if we allow ourselves.

The stag is a strong leader, full of beauty, integrity and grace. Channel his energy as you move forward knowing you can achieve all you put your mind to.

We have the grounding energy of the earth teamed with the fire of the wand. Let the passion and inspiration guide you now whilst trusting you are safe and secure.

Sunday, 1 November 2020

Nine of Swords - November

The woman is surrounded by dark clouds, nine swords are suspended above her and could drop at any moment. She looks down into a reflective surface, staring intently at herself, possibly seeking answers.

Look after yourself this month. It has been a difficult year for all of us and it is not over yet. A lot of us are going to be feeling scared, stressed and overwhelmed. Do not try to fight these emotions, do not bottle it up.

Take time to speak with someone you feel safe with, reach out. You are not alone. Connect with your spirit and reflect by meditating, journaling or even getting creative, paint your emotions if you want. No one needs to see it but you.

This is a sacral chakra card, orange. Listen to your gut. Become more aware of your body, what does it want and need? Probably some self-love. Also take note of the foods you eat. Pay attention to nutrition so you stay as healthy as possible.

Sunday, 4 October 2020

Six of Cups - October

Is she coming or going? The large, ornate doors behind her are not closed, has she left a room or come back to it? Has her path lead her back to the beginning?

If you have been feeling stuck aim to get moving this Libra season. Like this woman we have all the tools and knowledge needed but can sometimes fall into the trap of over thinking or being too rigid. Do not shut yourself in one room and believe you must stay there doing X, Y and Z. Step out and see what happens.

Also going back to basics can help. Do not over complicate things. Read through course notes again, go back to the beginner’s book. Keeping things simple is allowed.

Monday, 7 September 2020

King of Coins - September

The King sits upon his thrown surrounded by grapes and flowers; he is a picture of security and confidence. Two lions on top of the thrown appear to be reaching for the crown on his head. The card is violet which is connected to the crown chakra.

Focus on your security this Virgo season, believe more is coming your way. Grapes symbolise abundance, growth and inner transformation. Spend this month going within and looking at these areas. Where do you feel secure? Work on the areas you struggle with.

The lions reaching for the crown chakra are saying to me "know yourself". The King is strong in mind; he is secure in his connection to source and has faith in his intuition. Do the same. Sit in meditation and listen to your guides, ask them to work with you and show you ways on how to strengthen this. 

The grapes are also telling me "beware of the grapevine" only listen to your guides, trusted sources and get the full facts before making any conclusions about a subject or person. 

Sunday, 2 August 2020

Two of Cups - August

The card shows two people who are very comfortable with each other, there’s no tension between them and they feel free to be who they are. Two cups shine above them creating balance. The card is about partnership and new relationships.
It's an orange card which links to our sacral chakra, this relates to self-respect, body confidence, allowing ourselves freedom to be ourselves and healthy boundaries.
When I turned the card I was told it’s about self-love. Self-love is a recurring theme that I see popping up at the minute; people are discussing it on Twitter, Instagram and in person with friends. Topics have ranged from body dysmorphia, eating disorders and menopause.

Be gentle with yourself, and with others as we never know what someone else is going through. For many the issues above are dealt with in silence and can be there for years before the individual addresses them (I didn't know body dysmorphia was a thing till the Internet came along, I finally had a name for it!).

Reach out to someone if you think they, or you, may be dealing with this. Let's work on helping and allowing these topics to be discussed without fear and judgement. If there isn't a close friend or family member you feel comfortable talking to take steps to find a professional or online groups and forums where you can be more anonymous if you wish. Follow others on social media who speak about their journey. I’ve begun following menopause accounts on Twitter and Instagram for example. Even if you take a while to feel comfortable chatting it’s nice to see that you’re not alone and there are others who would be comfortable listening to you.

So going forward let’s begin treating ourselves and others with compassion. 

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Ten of Swords - July

The woman lies down on the ground, snow is thawing and the swords stand behind her. One sword is embedded in her waist, stabbing between her heart and solar plexus. Light is on the horizon though, a new dawn is coming.
We’re at the end of a cycle, and the last few months have been difficult for some. People are wanting a new start, the pandemic has shown us that going back to how it was before wasn’t working for many and our way of living needs to be addressed.
Change can be frightening, no matter how badly you want it, and it can also take time. Take small steps rather than a giant leap, make changes gradually so it feels less stressful and you don’t burn yourself out.

Also if a situation you were hoping for doesn’t work as planned, be kind to yourself. There’s no need to beat your-self up, let your-self feel the hurt and then take steps to heal. A new start is on its way and you will grow through this time.

Thursday, 30 April 2020

Five of Swords - May

Hope you’re all okay and this finds you well during these difficult times.

This card can mean conflict, that doesn’t have to be violence. It can be conflict within yourself or, as these times are proving for many, that the old systems weren’t working and that it’s time to cut cords and make changes.

A man holds two swords close to his chest; three others are close by.  Two women are behind him; they appear to be walking away. 

Which person do you connect with? The woman in the distance who has already decided enough is enough, the woman in the middle who appears to be glancing back. Is she in two minds about whether to stay or leave? Or the man who appears equipped and ready to fight if needed?
The one you relate to will give you a clue as to what stage of your journey you are on. Let your intuition guide you along the right path.

The fives are connected to the throat chakra, blue: this links with speaking your truth and self-expression. Be honest with yourself and others, have patience during this time. Get creative with your words. Begin writing, either journal, poetry or get on with writing that story you’ve been mulling over for some time.

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

The Chariot - April

It’s an understatement to say a lot is going on in the world right now. Firstly, I hope you who is reading, and your loved ones are safe and well. 

Last month’s card was the Fool and it certainly turned out to be a new start for us all! It feels like a new chapter in the way we live has begun.

This month is the Chariot, another major arcana card.

The lady in the card is deep in meditation, she looks unaware of the chariot and three horses approaching behind her. But deep down she knows. She is at the crossroads and is letting go of more old routes.  

Both the Fool and Chariot are red, connecting with the base chakra. This time is asking us to look at out ingrained habits and what makes us feel truly secure. What will we go back to once this time is over? What have we realised we can do without? What roots are truly important?

It currently feels like we’re not in control, and there are always big changes this feeling will apply to. At the minute all we can do is trust where the journey takes us.

Monday, 2 March 2020

The Fool - March

In a lot of decks, the Fool is depicted as a young person about to step off a cliff, they usually have a dog with them and a ‘in their own world’ vibe about them. Not this card.

The Chakra Wisdom Tarot shows a young woman emerging from deep, strong roots, there are trees growing behind her, the branches reaching up appear to grow from her. There is also a white light emanating from her heart chakra. She doesn’t appear foolish, more confident and determined.

She represents a new start; the strong roots of her past keep her grounded as she begins her journey into the unknown. But she also needs to break away from these roots and trust that she can move on safely. We have a choice now. Do we stay where we are, or do we embrace this new chapter and move forward with confidence?

Take a risk, step out of your comfort zone. Say yes to that new opportunity and see where it leads.

Saturday, 1 February 2020

Ace of Swords - February

She rises from the sea holding her sword, ready to cut through to the truth, the clouds covering the sky begin to clear as clarity unfolds.

This month is about stepping forward, out of your past and realising you have the strength and knowledge to become who you want to be. Don’t let the tides pull you back, move forward on to dry land and create your life.

She is also advising us to pay attention to any ideas that come to us this month. Seeds of Imbolc are beginning to grow, and light is returning, time to let your ideas bloom. Nurture them and spend time tending them. Don’t let old limiting beliefs hold you back.

The card is linked to the base chakra, red is linked to grounding and your roots. Let go of old family beliefs, speak with your ancestors to discover what karmic patterns are running through your life and ask how you can cut the ties. It’s time for you to move forward.

Thursday, 2 January 2020

Queen of Coins - January

Happy New Year! I hope you’ve all had a lovely festive season and are ready to head into 2020 refreshed and full of optimism.

The tarot is kicking us off with the Queen of Coins. I’ve been wanting to connect more with my Chakra Wisdom Tarot deck so will be using these going forward. They have all the tarot symbolism, but each card is also connected to one of the chakras which excites my Colour Therapist side. 

This Queen is telling us to believe in our abundance, aim to only focus on that and not the negative. Now is a good time to look at finances, yep I know that can be scary, but bite the bullet. Turn it round to a positive, see where you can make changers, create a budget, set up a savings account even if you only put £10 in it a month. It’s all a positive start. 

She also wants us to look at all we already have and be grateful, begin keeping a gratitude diary. Write five to ten things down you are grateful for every night before you turn the light out to sleep. This will help send the blessings out as you drift off. If you do have worries write them on a separate sheet of paper first and keep it to one side. When the next new moon comes around burn this to release it.

This Queen is bathed in indigo which corresponds to the brow chakra. She wants us to recognise our manifesting power and intuition. Begin to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, respect them.