Saturday, 5 December 2020

Princess of Wands - December


She wonders through the forest with confidence, she knows where she is going and trusts the journey. Surrounded by butterflies and a stag, she is one with nature.

This month is one of growing confidence. It has been a strange year for all of us, lots of changes have been made and for many of us it has been a chance to find ourselves again and realise what is important.

The butterflies represent transformation, how do you want to evolve? We can come out of this stronger if we allow ourselves.

The stag is a strong leader, full of beauty, integrity and grace. Channel his energy as you move forward knowing you can achieve all you put your mind to.

We have the grounding energy of the earth teamed with the fire of the wand. Let the passion and inspiration guide you now whilst trusting you are safe and secure.

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